Support CPM's Licensure in WV
Email and Call your state Senators and Delegates Urging them to support bill HB5491 today!
MAWV is a professional organization of Mountain State midwives. The organization began in 1976 to provide support, education and advocacy for its members; and to encourage the development of a broader range of safe, available and affordable options for the childbearing family, with a special emphasis on our rural population.
The Midwives Alliance of West Virginia is a non-profit professional organization for midwives in WV. Membership is open to Certified Professional Midwives, Certified Nurse Midwives, Direct Entry Midwives, and student midwives. We aim to be a resource for both midwives and consumers in our state.
MAWV provides support to its midwives through extensive case, incident, and peer reviews with midwives who have expert experience in these processes. MAWV midwives have access to the extensive MAWV Standards of Care and Risk Factor Guidelines. MAWV midwives support student midwives through mentoring and assistance with apprenticeships.